More than $10 trillion is invested in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) worldwide. The transparency of the ETF investment vehicle has made it appealing to investors for all portfolio sizes. Daily liquidity, tax efficiency, lower fees, and transparency, make it highly utilized.
Since 2018 Buffer ETFs have become one of the fastest growing segments of the ETF marketplace. Over 200 Buffer ETFs now trade on U.S. exchanges and they have attracted more than $35 billion in assets. These ETFs track a major stock market index over a defined outcome period (typically 12 months) while offering downside protection, known as a “buffer.” Investors can participate in the upside of the stock market, to a predetermined cap.
At the end of the outcome period (reset date), Buffer ETFs automatically roll to the next outcome period, in a tax-efficient manner, with fresh downside protection and a new upside cap. Therefore, Buffer ETFs are suitable as long-term investments in both tax-deferred and taxable accounts.
If you would like to participate in stock market gains, to a cap, but with much-needed downside protection, Buffer ETFs may be a perfect fit for your portfolio.